Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Last year - the universe splitting apart and reforming

If you have wondered why I have been rather quiet on here - the cut text piece below will hopefully say more than just words on a page can say. It was the worst year of my life... nine months of awfulness beyond awfulness. 

BUT....through all that awfulness, a lot of truly amazingly wonderful things have happened. So though it was all very hard, the river keeps flowing and thank goodness for that....here is to life!

Cambridge Titfers

Just a mini post....a trip to Cambridge on Saturday meant lots of wonderful sights and sounds. It has such a wonderful flow and energy there, and I hadn't been just to mooch about for ages, so it did me a lot of good! I saw hates and punts, and meadows and people... in fact lots and lots and lots of people!!

Less than 5 minutes walk from the hub-bub, a Cambridge meadow!

Still and peaceful part of the Cam

Entwined in Cambridge

Traffic jam!!
Cambridge market titfers